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des d'Irlanda

dimarts, d’abril 05, 2005

Inniu lá deireanach ag obair agam*

A fora ja s’ha fet de nit. Puc veure els llums de Cobh reflectides a l’aigua. Tal i com ho he fet gairebé cada dia des de fa un any. Netege la taula i trec la pols de l’ordinador. Grave alguns arxius en CD. Ja no queda ningú a l’oficina.

Em sent flotar en l’aire, però tinc un pes a l’estòmac que m’estira cap a terra... “Estàs prenent drogues?”, em demanen quan ho intente explicar.

Gire la clau al pany i faig una darrera ullada a l’oficina, ja fosca.

El cotxe m’espera: Maigh Eo, Dún an nGall, França, la terreta...

*Avui ha estat el darrer dia a la feina.

La finestra de la cuina
(c) raïmdepastor, 2004

It's already dark outside. I see the lights of Cobh reflected on the surface of the water. I’ve seen them shinning there almost every night for the last year. I tidy up my desk and dust the computer. I record some documents in a CD. There is nobody else left in the office.

I feel myself floating in the air, but at the same time a weight in the stomach anchors me to the ground... “Are you into drugs?” is the only answer I get when I try to explain that sensation.

I lock the front door and take a last look to the dark office.

The car is waiting for me: Maigh Eo, Dún an nGall, France, home...

*Today was my last day at work.